Searching for a job is a job in itself. It can be very frustrating especially with the way Human Resource Personnel's’ behave.
Some respond. Some don’t. Others leave you hanging. There are others who genuinely and passionately ensure you get that dream job. To them it is personal.
Losing your job abruptly is always not something prepared for. Most times, the advice is to always apply for jobs — this will help you know your worth in the market; even IF you are not currently looking for a move. This is especially so as the US market can be very tight sometimes.
Currently, I am building a job search tracker. You can track how when you applied and when you got the response and what type of response it is.
See snippet below.
It is really not an easy task when you lose a job and are trying to get a new one. Hang in there. The new one will surely come. Be HOPEFUL