Every company’s primary goal is to take your income. If your income covers all of your expenses and you have money left over, you are doing well. By the way, these companies are sharks. They will run you into debt if you do not protect your meager earnings.
Others will not be able to secure your future on your behalf. You must be deliberate about it. Budgeting is an extremely effective tool. Budgeting has been a very effective tool in helping people live a more convenient life while also planning better ahead of time since time immemorial.

Automate your expenses from that small income to help you get through these difficult times.
Apply the 50–30–20 Rule. Similar to the Wealth Rule but different. Let us take a deep breath.
Use the following rule to allocate your income:
Living Expense : 50%
Lifestyle: 30%
Savings : 20%

I plan to create a spreadsheet that can be printed to help with better planning and a positive budgeting experience.